Monday, September 26, 2011

The 12th Day of Juicing...

My true love gave to me, an appointment to have a baby :P

Yep, we have a date for Madison's arrival. Thank goodness I completed the juicing fast portion, can't say I would've made it with the additional stress of childbirth, toddler care and mommy's recovery.

In other news, I had a 5 chapter exam tonight in my Political Science class & I did very little studying but with my clear mind and excellent note taking, I think I did ok. I really feel like a couple light bulbs have turned back on in my brain. (a few more panels of bulbs & I'll be out of the red. lol)

In other, other news, tomorrow is Dena's 40th birthday. Wow, a few months from now & I'll be in the "over the hill" club. haha!
40 is the new 30... or so I'm told ;)

And finally... in other, other, other news... in 12 days of juicing my blood pressure is down nearly 20 points. Before I started this I was getting pretty scared with how high it was but didn't want to go to the doc- they would just tell me to diet & exercise (knew that part already) and put me on meds which if I'm being completely honest, would just enable me to continue on without changing my daily habits.
Anyhow, no meds are necessary now as my bp's are within normal range. There's still room for improvement but I'm out of the danger zone :)

Ok, I'm off to stock up on precious sleep because as of Thursday... everything changes!!

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