Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Second phase

I'm not gonna lie... today was not easy but I made it!

Started the day with spinach, carrot and celery juice blended up with some blueberries and raspberries. It was tasty but the coloring was not pretty, it turned out a lovely shade of brown. I added more raspberries to make it a little more red. Odd how the color of shit just doesn't look appetizing. haha.

The rest of the day I spent mixing this and that, playing catch up with a rumbling tummy. It's amazing how quickly juice goes through ya.
I pee'd a gazillion times! Typically in a public restroom I will use the toilet seat protectors cuz I'm a bit freaked by the germs but goodness... there was no time for being a germaphobe! Sit as fast as possible or umm... there was gonna be a peepee problem. lol. I know-TMI.

Tonight I had a pretty mixture of beet, celery and carrot juice blended up with some blueberries, raspberries and a banana. Looked good and was super tasty! For the first time all day, I'm not starving!

I've got a little juice vroomed up for the morning that I can throw in the blender with some fruit. Having a head start to the day will hopefully make things go a little more smoothly and help me get my head on straight so I can prepare drinks for the day. I knew preparation was going to be key but even with that knowledge I wasn't able to keep up. Now I have more of an idea so hopefully it'll be a little easier tomorrow.

So, last night was the best sleep I've had all week. Not sure why but maybe just because I've slept like crap every night prior. Either way, I'm not complaining. I had a great amount of energy today and got a ton of stuff done without too much effort.
All in all... feeling pretty great!

It's weird to only drink food all day long. I feel like my teeth will get lazy over the next 5 days ;)
I can't wait to eat a carrot. lol
Night all :)

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