Monday, September 19, 2011

Ahhh.... bliss :)

Yessss! It happened. Peace and calm have replaced anxiety and chaos. This gives me that little boost of momentum to motor me into the next phase... 5 days of juicing only.
I have to admit that I'm a little concerned about the next step. We have an erratic schedule and preparation is going to be key. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

A couple of positives over the last 5 days...

*A total of six pounds lost. Hey, it's a start.
*A very noticeable increase in energy! Very helpful with a toddler and a baby on the way :P
*A renewed appreciation for the tastes of fruits and vegetables.
*All day long I have been in awe of the fact that Tums has been eliminated from my diet. I know I've mentioned this a few times but really, the discomfort of heart burn is such a bummer and not having to deal with it AT ALL is definitely a bonus that I hadn't expected and yet the one I enjoy the most!!

It's late and day 1 of phase 2 starts tomorrow so I've gotta get some zzzzz's.
Thank you all for your support... seriously :)

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